NYC is easily accessible by using Metro North Train . Express trains are 39 minutes and run throughout the day. Please click below for fare and schedule.
A cab in less than $10 to the train statin from the hotel. Please call the front desk for assistance.
The New York Botanical Garden is a NY treasure. This fall a unique opportunity is to visit a special exhibit Wonderland: Curious Nature. Tickets can sell out, please consider purchasing in advance.
An uber or car is the easiest way to get to the Gardens. It will cost around $40 each way and take 20 minutes.
The Natural History Museum and Hayden Planitarium are "musts" when visiting NY. With the close proximity to Central Park and the wonderful sidewalk cafes of the Upper West Side, you will easily enjoy a special part of our city.
The MET offers an opportunity to not only enjoy some of the most famous pieces of art in the world, but to also see the East Side of Manhattan, the famous stores of 5th Avenue and the East Side of Central Park.
The Hudson Valley is home to a much early American History and there are numerous historic buildings with tours and events throughout the fall.